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Contact SCA

Springfield Contractors Association
1313 N. Nias
Springfield MO 65802
Phone: 417-862-1313

Click to Email Us

Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Friday, 8:30am-Noon

Map to Our Office:

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SPS Request for Qualifications Architectural Services

The School District of Springfield R-12 (District), also known as Springfield Public Schools, requests qualifications of firms, or teams of firms, to study the feasibility of renovating and expanding, or replacing certain schools, and to…

James River Interceptor Sewer Gate Replacement

Springfield, MO - James River Interceptor Sewer Gate Replacement, Project 2017PW0060S City of Springfield by and through Environmental Services Department Bid Date - November 14, 2017 at 10 a.m. Plans & Specs available from Springfield…

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