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Springfield Contractors Association
1313 N. Nias
Springfield MO 65802
Phone: 417-862-1313

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Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 8:30am-4:30pm
Friday, 8:30am-Noon

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American Red Cross Workplace First AID/AED/CPR Course

By The Builders’ Association

Monday, September 21, 2020

8:00 AM

SCA Member Cost – $85

Registration details are on pages 11-12 of the Training PDF.

Description: The purpose of this course is to give individuals in the workplace knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and provide basic first aid care for injuries and sudden illnesses until advanced medical personnel arrive and take over. This course also includes information on breathing or cardiac emergencies. Please wear comfortable clothing, as you will be asked to perform skills. Attendance of the entire session is required and participants must complete all skill practices for certification. Upon successful course completion, each participant will receive an American Red Cross Universal Certificate indicating First Aid/AED/CPR that is valid for two years.

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