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General Aviation Terminal Remodel and Expansion

Request for Qualification April 1, 2022

Request for Qualifications (also referred to as RFQ) for Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR)
Services for the General Aviation Terminal Remodel and Expansion

Springfield-Branson National Airport is soliciting letters of interest and qualification statements from firms
interested in providing Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) services for preconstruction and construction
services for the General Aviation (GA) terminal. The GA Terminal Remodel and Expansion is currently being
planned by Dake Wells architecture. Design is anticipated to be complete December 2022 and Construction
is anticipated to begin in February 2023 and complete by February 2024. An example scope of work for
Construction Manager at Risk services is provided in the attachments as Exhibit D.
Description of Project:
The GA terminal is the airport’s only Fixed Base Operator (FBO). An FBO is the primary provider of support
services to general aviation operators (private aircraft). The airport’s FBO provides fueling, deicing, tie-down and
parking, flight planning, meeting space, pilot amenities, and is open 24 hours a day. The GA terminal is the front
door of the airport to pilots, owners, and passengers of private aircraft – including VIPs such as politicians,
business people, and entertainers. The goal of the Project is for the GA terminal to reflect the Airport’s mission to
be the premier Midwest airport through exceptional service and safety.
The GA terminal was constructed in 1990 and was renovated in 2014. Due to limited funds, only a partial
renovation was completed in 2014, but airport leadership always intended to complete a thorough renovation
and expansion at a later date. Since that time, the need for an updated and larger GA facility has increased, for
the purposes of increasing operational efficiencies and customer amenities.
The estimated total project budget for the project is $5,988,235. This budget includes all fees, construction
costs, owner costs, and any other costs associated with the project. The estimated construction budget is
$5,069,326 composed of a Phase 1: Addition and Phase 2: Existing Renovation while the GA terminal stays in
operation. The Phase 1: Addition is approximately 3,828 GSF and will wrap the east, south, and west side of
the existing building. The Phase 2: Existing Renovation is 5,135 GSF and will include removing all existing
finishes, non-load bearing stud wall partitions, mechanical systems, electrical systems, and plumbing fixtures
and replace with all new. Along with replacing the existing curtainwall on both the east and west elevations and
demolishing both the existing vestibules.
Components of the project include updated restrooms and employee break areas, expansion of the current
administration area and pilot lounge, the addition of a designated work area for line service employees, and a
large public community room.

Statement of Qualifications Submittal Requirements:
Qualified firms desiring consideration are invited to submit their digital (PDF) Statement of Qualifications
(SOQ) at no cost to SOQ submissions are due no later than April 22, 2022, at
12:00 p.m. central time. Only firms that submit digital SOQ by the deadline date and time will be considered
for review of qualifications. Failure to submit a complete SOQ will be considered non-responsive and will not
be considered. No cost estimates or fee schedules shall be included in the SOQ.
CMAR Firm SOQ submissions shall include:

  •  Identification of all professional staff who would be allocated to the Project and describe
    their professional experience in the construction industry with relevant CMAR experience
    ? Provide resumes for all professional staff who would be allocated to the Project
  • Description of firm’s approach to CMAR pre-construction and construction
  • Provide project examples including project description, total construction cost,
    year started and year completed.
  •  Provide owner references for example projects.
  • Any other relevant information based on the Phase I selection criteria outlined below.
  • Brevity is appreciated. Submittals shall include up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) 8.5 x 11
    single-sided pages. Respondents are also allowed to submit a three (3) page (maximum)
    executive summary. The following items will not count toward the page limitations: cover
    sheet, 3-page executive summary, and resumes (resumes shall be no more than 1 page per

    • Phase I SOQ submittals shall not include fee schedules or pricing structure of any kind.This RFQ is subject to revision after the date of issuance via written addenda. Any such addenda will be
      posted on (and not distributed directly to potential Respondents). It is
      each Firm’s responsibility to check for any RFQ addenda prior to submitting its Phase I SOQ. A projected
      schedule for final addenda posting and SOQ submission deadline are listed at the end of this RFQ.
      SOQ Evaluation and Selection:

      Each firm’s SOQ will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of selected representatives from City of
      Springfield departments including City Staff (Assistant Director of Aviation, FBO Manager, Director of Quality of
      Place), and Architect of Record. The Firms’ SOQ will be evaluated considering the areas as outlined in this RFQ
      for Phase I selection.


      All inquiries on this Request for Qualifications should be directed to The last day
      for questions prior to SOQ submittal deadline is April 15, 2022, by 12:00 p.m. Central Time. Questions
      received after this deadline will not be answered. The last day for posted addenda to the RFQ will be April 19,
      2022, by 3:00 PM.

      Tentative Project Initiation Schedule
      March 31, 2022    Issuance of Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
      April 12, 2022       Mandatory Pre-Submission Zoom Meeting at 3:00 p.m. Central Time Deadline
      April 22, 2022        for Receipt of SOQs, before 12:00 PM Central Time
      April 22, 2022        City Reads Aloud Name of Firms SOQ received, 1:00 PM Central time via

      April 27, 2022        Phase I – City Shall notify all responsive Firms of Phase I Selection result
      May 9, 2022           Phase II – Selected Firms Deadline for Phase II information Submittals
      May 16, 2022          (week of) selection committee to interview Top 3 Firms and Final Selection

      Phase I Selection Criteria
      The City of Springfield will utilize the following scoring criteria to select the top CMAR firms for Phase I.
      10 points    Experience on Similar Projects
      25 points    Experience as CMAR / Past Performance / Safety Record
      15 points    Key Personnel applicable experience
      10 points    Understanding of project goals
      10 points    Approach to project
      10 points    History of meeting budgets/schedules
      10 points    Innovative design/Constructability
      10 points Bonding Capacity
      100 points Total

      Phase II Submittal
      After each SOQ has been scored for Phase I submittals, the selection committee will select no more than five
      (5) firms for Phase II where selected firms will be asked to provide additional information, at that time, such as:
      1. Project Management Plan
      2. Fee Proposal covering
      a. Price for Preconstruction Services
      b. Price for fulfilling the General Conditions

      Upon evaluation of Phase II submittals, the selection committee will select no more than three (3) firms
      to interview.

      Exhibit A – Proposed Floor Plan
      Exhibit B – Existing Floor Plan
      Exhibit C – Site Plan
      Exhibit D – CMAR SOW (Draft, Example – to be negotiated and refined with selected CMAR firm)

      CMAR post

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