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Springfield Contractors Association
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AIP Project No. 3-29-0077-057-2020
IFB 2020-SGF-02

Click here for PDF Version.

Addendum No. 1 and Addendum No. 2 are listed at the bottom of this page.

Sealed bids subject to the conditions and provisions presented herein will be received until 2:00 PM prevailing central time, March 25, 2020, and then publicly opened and read at the Springfield-Branson National Airport Office of Administration, 2300 North Airport Boulevard, Springfield, Missouri 65802, for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and performing all work necessary to do the complete the project titled: RECONSTRUCTION OF TAXIWAY U FROM RUNWAY 20 TO SOUTH OF TAXIWAY B; REMOVAL OF TAXIWAY B FROM TAXIWAY U TO RUNWAY 2-20; CONSTRUCTION OF THE RUNWAY 20 BLAST PAD; REHABILITATION OF TAXIWAY U FROM RUNWAY 14-32 TO SOUTH OF TAXIWAY B; REHABILITATION OF RUNWAY 2-20.

Copies of the bid documents including project drawings and technical specifications are on file and may be inspected at:
Springfield-Branson National Airport, Administration Offices, 2300 North Airport Boulevard,
Springfield, Missouri 65802
McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge/AGC; 6330 Knox Industrial Drive, 1st Floor; St. Louis, MO 63139
Missouri AGC Construction News; 1221 Jefferson Street, Lower Level; Jefferson City, MO 65109
The Builders’ Association; 3632 W. Truman Blvd.; Jefferson City, MO 65109
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.; One Memorial Drive, Suite 500; St. Louis, MO 63102
Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc.; 1631 W. Elfindale; Springfield, MO 65807

A complete set of bid documents may be obtained from the CRAWFORD, MURPHY & TILLY, INC.; Gateway Tower; One Memorial Drive, Suite 500; St. Louis, MO 63102 or by calling Vicki at 314-436-5500 for a nonrefundable fee of $35.00, made payable to Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. Questions regarding bids shall be directed to Brian Hutsell, Project Manager at Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. at the above address, at or by calling 314-571-9077.

A prebid conference for this project will be held at 2:00 PM. prevailing Central Time, March 11, 2020 at the Board Room (M473), Springfield-Branson National Airport, 2300 North Airport Boulevard, Springfield, MO 65802.

Major Contract Work Items Summary. This project will involve the following major work items summary and estimated quantities. NOTE: Some individual line items have been combined for simplicity. Prospective bidders are hereby advised that the quantities indicated herein are approximate and are subject to change. Refer to the Proposal Section of the Project Manual for the actual Project Quantities.
1. Pavement Removal (14”-15” PCC) 27,790 SY
2. 10” Recycled Concrete Subbase 24,018 SY
3. 6” Crushed Aggregate Base Course 4,659 SY
4. 5” Cement Treated Permeable Base Course 19,371 SY
5. 17” PCC Pavement 18,643 SY
6. 6” PCC Pavement 4,445 SY
7. Existing PCC Joint Chamfering, Resealing 34,000 LF
8. Pavement Markings (Black, White, Yellow, Red) 36,401 SF
9. Airport Underground Cable (1/C, #8, L-824, 5kV) 31,102 LF
10. Concrete Encased PVC Electrical Duct Bank 731 LF
11. Runway/Taxiway Edge Lights 163 EA

The owner has established a contract performance time of one hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of the Notice-to-Proceed. All project work shall be substantially completed within the stated timeframe. This project is subject to liquidated damages as prescribed in the project manual.

Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the amount of five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid.

The bid guaranty may be by certified check or bid bond made payable to The City of Springfield, Missouri.

Bids may be held by the City of Springfield, Missouri for a period not to exceed ninety (90) from the date of the bid opening for the purpose of evaluating bids prior to award of contract.

The right is reserved, as the City of Springfield, Missouri may require, to reject any bid and also the right to reject all bids.

In accordance with the Davis-Bacon Act, and the Missouri Prevailing Wage Law, the Contractor will be required to comply with the wage and labor requirements and to pay minimum wages in accordance with the schedule of wage rates established by the United States Department of Labor and the Missouri Division of Labor Standards, respectively. The highest rate between the two (Federal and State) for each job classification shall be considered the prevailing wage.

The City of Springfield, Missouri, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that for any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

This project is subject to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Participation. The owner has established a contract goal of six percent (6%) participation for small business concerns owned and controlled by qualified disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE). The bidder shall make and document good faith efforts, as defined in Appendix A of 49 CFR Part 26, to meet the established goal.

Award of contract is also subject to the following Federal provisions:

  • Executive Order 11246 and DOL Regulation 41 CFR PART 60 – Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity.
  • DOL Regulation 29 CFR Part 5 – Davis Bacon Act.
  • DOT Regulation 49 CFR PART 29 – Government wide Debarment and Suspension and Government wide Requirements for Drug-free Workplace.
  • DOT Regulation 49 CFR PART 30 – Denial of Public Works Contracts to Suppliers of Goods and Services of Countries that Deny Contracts to Suppliers of Goods and Services of Countries that Deny Procurement Market Access to U.S. Contractors (Foreign Trade Restriction).
  • TITLE 49 United States Code, CHAPTER 501 – Buy American Preferences.

Addendum No. 1

2020 Springfield Branson TxyU_Addendum No 1

2020 Springfield Branson TxyU_Add1_PlanSheets_Sealed_Transmit

One key item of note is that there will be no on-site stockpile/waste area for excess P-219 or P-152 once the job is completed.  Unfortunately, the Airport has no need for the excess of either material.  All waste will need to be disposed of off-site.  Again, the contractor has the option to crush and bury the remainder of the Phase 3 P-219 in excess of the planned 12”, but the resultant excess P-152 excavation to make room for that burial would go off-site.  We understand it is typically more economical to waste soil as opposed to concrete or aggregate.

Other changes include clarification on construction signage placement for vehicles and aircraft, additional marking removals/replacements related to phasing/closures, and some additional taxiway edge marking along Taxiway U.

A replacement proposal form is included, please utilize this form for bid submittal, and the federal wage rates were updated after IFB documents were transmitted, so that update is also included.

Addendum No. 2

2020 Springfield Branson TxyU_Addendum No 2

This Addendum should not have an impact on the pricing of your bid, it will serve simply as a clarification for the bid opening process in the midst of the COVID-19 containment.

The bid opening will remain at 2:00 PM on the 25th.  Unfortunately, we don’t have the capability to delay due to existing FAA schedule requirements.  The Airport will take delivery of sealed bid via UPS/FedEX/US Mail, and will also take courier/employee deliveries at the front desk of the Administration Office prior to the 2:00 PM deadline.

Due to newly-placed City limitations on meeting capacity, the bid opening will be closed to the public/contractors.  A conference call-in number (314-345-5999, Conference ID 57799#) will be available to listen to the live reading of the bid results, if desired.

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